About S E MouldingS E Moulding was founded in 1989 with a keen focus on developing unique and creative projects and OEM parts. Since then, we�ve designed and manufactured everything from golf car parts to medical devices, and from food containers to educational toys and equine equipment. Partnering with the most qualified designers, mold makers, resin suppliers, and manufacturers both locally and off shore, SEM is expert at producing, developing, designing, packaging, marketing, and delivering your unique items and injection molded parts. We are proud to serve customers from New York, Louisiana, Delaware, New Jersey, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Israel. With more than 30 years of experience, our team responds quickly to your needs, helping you identify cost-effective solutions to the most challenging requirements. Our short-run capabilities allow us to produce sample parts at minimal cost, and our careful attention to exact design parameters ensures that our parts flow smoothly into your assembly process. With multiple, varied machines, we are capable of handling a broad range of projects and meeting your production schedules through short cycle times and reliable, on-time delivery. We�re also dedicated to effectively controlling costs, so we can continue to offer competitive prices and the best-possible value. |
S E Moulding, Inc. Plant Location |